With these scissors stylists can perfectly materialize their skill and images in customers' hair styles. Find haircut scissors at Cosmo-Smith in Sanjo-shi, Niigata, Japan.

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S.cosmo Media coverage

Echigo Journal
Pbulisher: Echigo Journal Co.,Ltd

Echigo JournalOctober 25th, 2008

A local newspaper, Echigo Journal introduced our company in the article "Site visit to excellent makers in Sanjo"on October 25th, 2008.

Site managed by: Echigo Journal Co.,Ltd


A local media, Echigo Journal's "PALGE" introduced our company in the article "Training place in company" issued on February 18th, 2004.

NDUS PRESS Kawaraban
Site managed by Sanjo Industrial Cooperative


"INDUS PRESS" managed by Sanjo Industrial Cooperative introduced our company in Vol.11, the article "A craftsman in a field of making hair cutting scissors, a man who materializes his ambition" in 2003.

Fellow craftsmen in Echigo blacksmith
Site managed by: KAKURI Corporation

Fellow craftsmen in Echigo blacksmith

"Fellow craftsmen in Echigo blacksmith" managed by KAKURI Corporation introduced our company in 12th edition, the article "A genius emerged, up-and-coming craftsman in a field of hair cutting scissors, Tatsuya Kuribayashi".


Echigo Journal

  • We produce and sell thinnimg scissors with permission to use the patent of Yamamura-MFG Co., Ltd.

One and only sharpness and ease of use, “KEIUN”