子どもの頃に憧れた、素敵なものに囲まれた部屋。今ならferm LIVINGで叶います!あの頃の自分への想いも込めて、子どもたちに夢溢れるお部屋を作りませんか?お手本は世界中にありました。
A tent and the favorite stuffed animals... an interior that one can admire, especially for ones child!
The clean white room is accented by the natural color of the braided storage.
We love the soft atmosphere in this room.
A toy cash register, a book and the braided storage on top of the cabinet.
Posters on the wall and a playful hooks with garland intertwined.
All together it is beautifully displayed and it's probably their favorite spot in the room.
The diagonal layout of the storage is innovative, and the safari rug adds uniqueness!
The colors are mature, and the wooden animals and toys stand out in places.
Everything is in good balance. A beautiful room, which we envy very much.
vol.03 ファームリビングのある風景でも登場してくれた@jitkafojtikovaさん。子ども部屋もとっても素敵!ポスターやラウンドドームのディスプレイが愛らしく、娘さんのスカートとドットクッションの色味があっているのが流石です。
@jitkafojtikova, who also appeared in our previous vol.03 with her interior.
Her children's room is also very nice!
The posters and round dome display are adorable.
The color of the daughter's skirt and the dot cushion are a perfect match.
A stunning balance of simple furniture laid out against bold animal print wallpaper!
The chic color palette is enhanced by the objects, dolls, and the safari rug on the floor, which adds a playful touch.
シンプルだけれど夢いっぱいに仕上がったコーナー。駆け抜けるお子さんの躍動感と、静かなインテリアのコントラストが面白いですね!vol.05 MADOのある風景でも登場の@sophieenvicさんのセンス、素敵です〇
This corner is simple but full of dreams.
The contrast between the child's playfulness and the quiet interior is very interesting!
Nice photo by @sophieenvic, who also appeared in vol.05.
A colorful interior that kids will love!
The round dome, rug, and furniture are subtractive and colorful but not too cluttered.
A beautiful playful room.
A small world inside the round dorm.
The objects made of the same wood as the dorm create a sense of unity and seem to spin a story.
This definitely helps nurture children's rich imagination.
ferm LIVING Kidsのある風景はいかがでしたか?
ferm LIVINGのアイテムなら理想のお部屋を作ることができますよ。