小さな雑貨やキッチンアイテム、家具や照明も!トータルで揃う、デンマークのインテリアブランド「ferm LIVING(ファームリビング)」。KOZではすっかりおなじみですね。最近、じわじわとファンが増えているんです!それは海の向こうも同じ。ファームのアイテムを取り入れた素敵なインテリアを集めてみましたよ♪
An Hourglass Pot gently placed in a relaxing bedroom.
The solid texture of the pot and the simple posters that are displayed diagonally are well-balanced!
アワーグラスポットでご紹介した@caros.homeさんからもう1枚、プラントボックス Two Tierを。同じベッドルームの別の場所のようです。ファームのアイテムがたくさんだけれどシンプルにまとめているセンス、流石です!
Another one from @caros.home just shown earlier with the Hourglass Pot, beautifully shown here is the Plant Box Two Tier.
It looks as if its in a totally different place but its in the same bedroom!
There are a lot of ferm LIVING items in this scene, but displayed very simply.
キッチンに春を!と取り入れたプラントボックス S。カシミアとピンクのアイテムがまさに春を思わせる、心弾むカラーリングです。明るい気分になりますね!
Spring in the kitchen!
The cashmere and pink items in the Plant Box S reminds us of spring,
and the color scheme is very exciting. It makes you feel cheerful!
A corner for children.
Paper pulp boxes, Pear Braided Storage, Ceramic baskets and lots of FERM items!
This is a wonderful interior with a mix of kids and adult styles.
ferm LIVING items are everywhere in this dazzling white interior!
The eye-catching Pond mirror has an impressive organic form,
but more impressive is the white and natural interior space.
A cabinet dedicated to Ripple?!! WOW!!
The glasses that are stored perfectly are beautiful.
The candle displayed by the side is a very nice touch.
Just looking at this gentle colors will heal your soul.
This kitchen interior features a Grib Tool Box and a Ceramic Basket, both in cashmere colors.
It's so tidy, it makes cooking a breeze! I long for a kitchen like this.