



Sarah Marie @nordic.home_by_sissi

白が基調のすっきりとしたインテリア。花を挿したシェルポットが程よい存在感です。ブラウンのフラワーベースやオブジェ、広がる木の枝…色と空間の使い方がとても良いバランス!二児のママでもあるSarah Marieさん。とってもきれいにしているお部屋は、子どもたちがお昼寝している間に片づけてサッと撮影してのだそう。どこの国でも子育ての風景は同じなのですね!

This interior is based around the color white. The Shell Pot with flowers adds a good presence in this space. Brown flower b vases and objects, spreading tree branches ... A very good balance of color and space usage! Sarah Marie, who is also a mother of two children, has the room very clean and tidy. But she cleaned it up and took a picture quickly while the children was taking a nap.


Marlene @adventurous.albus (現在アカウントは非公開になっています)

なんとも微笑ましい表情のISOちゃん(日本スピッツ)に、つい目がいってしまいそうですが(笑)同じくらい目をひくのがインテリアの組み合わせと色のバランス!Eames house bird や Verner Panton の照明、Werner Stoff のキャンドルホルダーなど、名作をさらりとカジュアルにスタイリングするMarleneさんのセンスはぜひ盗みたいです。シェルポットからすらりと生えるグリーンは色のバランスだけではなく、ストーリーも足してくれているように感じられます。

Charming ISO-chan(Japanese Spitz) seems to catch my eye, but the combination of interiors and the color balance are just as eye-catching! Marlene's sense of styling with masterpieces, such as the Eames House Bird, the lighting of Verner Panton, and the candle holder of Werner Stoff, are a must-see. The green that grows slenderly from the Shell Pot seems to add not only the color balance but also the story.


anne aa @lykkeboet

木とモノトーンで統一したAnneさんのおうちは、雑誌からそのまま飛び出してきたのでは?と思うほど素敵なんです!様々な北欧のアイテムが飾られている中で、やっぱりありました、シェルポット♪異なるテイストのアイテムもカラーと質感を揃えることで、こんなにも美しい光景を生み出しているんですね。いける植物も一種類に絞ることでスッキリ!簡単なのにモダンな雰囲気が味わえる、Anneさんのセンスと ferm LIVING のデザインの見事な融合です。

Anne's home, which is unified with wood and monotone, is so beautiful that it’s just like a clip out of a magazine. Among various Scandinavian items, one can immediately recognize the Shell Pot! By matching the colors and textures of items with different tastes, you are creating such a beautiful scene. It's a perfect blend of Anne's styling sense and ferm LIVING's design, which is simple yet modern.


Anthony & Caroline @_our_new_home_

落ち着いたムードのクリスマスディスプレイを施したAnthony & Carolineさんのお家。シェルポットにはオーナメントが入っているのでしょうか…繋がりが感じられて素敵です♪テイストの違うものたちが置かれているけれど、不思議と馴染んでいるのは色合いに統一感があるから。真似したいテクニック!古いクリニックを自宅にしたそうで、お部屋の様子をもっと覗いてみたくなりますね。

Anthony & Caroline's home with a calm Christmas display. They turned an old clinic into their beautiful home. The Shell Pot seems to be filled with ornaments?? There are items with different cultural tastes yet seems to have harmony in the space because of the sense of unity in the colors. That’s the technique I want to imitate! and I'd love to take a peek at their other rooms.


Caroline Bahrenscheer @carolinebahrenscheer

コペンハーゲンを拠点とするクリエイティブ・コンサルタントのCaroline Bahrenscheerさんのお家。日差しがたっぷり入るお部屋にシェルポットが柔らかく浮かび上がります。白とクリーム色、そしてアクセントのグリーンがやさしい雰囲気。この棚の上がまるでアート作品を並べたかのよう!何も入れなくても良いシェルポット・インテリアの見本ですね○

The home of Caroline Bahrenscheer, a creative consultant based in Copenhagen. The Shell Pot emerges softly in a room with plenty of sunlight. The atmosphere is gentle with white, cream, and green accents. The top of this shelf looks like a work of art! This is a good example of the shell pot that is beautiful even without anything in it.


Milja @miljashome

白を基調としたコーディネートはともすると単調になりがちですが、Miljaさんの手にかかればご覧の通り。お部屋の中に一角も置けることで小物のバランスも取りやすく、おしゃれ度UPです!オブジェとしてのシェルポットの良さがグッと伝わってくる一枚です。同じく ferm LIVING のアイテム、Pond Mirror もアイキャッチとして効いていますよね。

White based coordination tends to be monotonous, but as you can see in the hands of Milja, it’s extravagant. Simple, minimal, yet very powerful space. Aligned with the Shell Pot, the ferm LIVING Pond Mirror, is also an eye catcher.


Demet @demets_life

モノトーンを基調としながらも、あたたかみを感じさせる空間が素敵なDemetさんのおうち。まだ小さなお子さまが二人もいらっしゃるとは思えないほど美しく整ったお部屋には、アートな要素がたくさん散りばめられています。その一つとして置かれているシェルポット。そのまま飾ってフォルムを楽しんだり、時にはお花をいけてみたり……。シェルポットの持つ多面性を存分に楽しんでいるDemetさんの「ferm LIVING のある暮らし」でした。

Demet's home is based on a monotone color scheme, but the space has a wonderful warmth to it. The room is beautifully decorated with many artistic elements, that one can't imagine her having two small children. The simply placed Shell Pot, you can decorate it as is and enjoy the form, or sometimes you can put flowers in it.


JAZMiN @jazminali


I personally like JAZMiN's home, the color she uses is very warm. A nice display of brown, black accents and the Shell Pot! JAZMiN was tired of her dining room and found this sideboard and created a new space. I believe this is a great success! This must make her happy to go to the dining room every day!


L I F E B A R @__life_bar__


The Light that shines onto the gently placed Shell Pot, creating a wave-like shadow, in the background is beautiful. The books in the shelves adds a sense of closeness, almost like my own shelf at home!




Very nice photo with gentle light by @palborinas. It is very inspiring to see the Shell Pot decorated with dried flowers on the dining table. The Shell Pot was placed on a shelf in a different IG post, and apparently, she enjoys placing it in various places in the house.



アートなオブジェが並ぶ棚にグリーンを入れたシェルポットが良いアクセント!良く見ると同じferm LIVINGのティーライトキャンドルホルダーもありますね。レイアウトのバランスが良くて、お手本にしたい棚のディスプレイです。1階にいたシェルポットをこちらにお引越ししたけれど、でもここはMr Lさんのチョコレートの隠し場所…。短い滞在になりそうとのことでした!(笑)

A Shell Pot with a simple green on the shelves lined with artistic objects is a good accent, and beautifully displayed! If you look closely, you can also see a tealight candle holder from ferm LIVING. The layout is well-balanced, and I would like to use this shelf display as a reference to my own shelf one day.


Yukiko Brandley @_cafeathome

北欧から派生している海外の新しいインテリアトレンド「ニュートラルカラー」。Yukiko Brandleyさんのお家も淡いナチュラルな色味で統一されています。シェルポットはまさにそんなインテリアにぴったり!この溶け込みかた、とっても素敵ですよね。そこにいるだけでやさしく癒されます。フォトグラファーのYukiko Brandleyさん、他の投稿も素敵なのでぜひ見てみてください♪

Neutral, natural colors are interior design trend that originated in Scandinavia, and Yukiko Brandley's house is also unified with pale natural colors. The Shell Pot is perfect for her interior! The way she displayed and blend the other accessories is just wonderful. Just watching this photo is soothing and relaxing. Photographer Yukiko Brandley's other posts are also wonderful, so be sure to check them out.


FrenchyFancy @frenchyfancy


The items on FrenchyFancy's shelves are "my little treasures," she says. It is a picture that teaches us the fun of decorating. In many of FrenchyFancy's beautiful photos, the Shell Pot appears a lot! It must be one of her favorite item, as you can see how beautifully she displays it. Taking advantage of its unique form, she masterfully places them with her other beautiful interior. I'm also more curious about how Frenchy Fancy's sense was nurtured from.


Miia @miiays


Miia lives with her two cats. The interior is decorated in light and airy tones such as white and beige, which makes the space look comfortable. (Cat looks comfortable, too♪) The silhouette of the Shell Pot with flowers is uniquely beautiful. It’s blended in easily with the space but still looks very “special”.

